Archives for category: Uncategorized

I often get very nervous when my mind wanders to this topic.

The word itself sounds very “big”, and it is, representing a milestone that is the reaching of adulthood.

When I think of adulthood several words come to mind:




etc. etc. etc.

This idea of adulthood worries me. Adults seems to always have this intense look on their face. I often feel my head getting filled with scary thoughts of the future. Will I be successful? Will I ever find someone? Will my job be insane and too much for me too handle? The list goes on!

I feel like as humans age we lose that innocence and our sense of surreality (if that makes sense). That simple, childlike way of diving into everything slips from our thought process. We hesitate and that moment causes us to “regress.” The hesitance just grows as we age. We lose the childlike calm and develop a choking concern.

I wonder how adults do it.

Now, hear me out, a lot of this is personal generalization. I am just writing from experience as an ‘observer.’

Something to ponder really…



A very eventful while, might I add.

Today is St.Patrick’s Day and I did not celebrate.

I did something quite the opposite.

I got braces.

My few readers may have not known that my teeth were crooked because I never smiled with my mouth open (and that, I guarantee, will not change until the braces are gone).

The orthodonist predicted a sentence of 14-16 months, which isn’t all that bad however, it is still one that will follow me to highschool.

I am awaiting the pain of tomorrow; I am told the second day is the worst.

I did cry in the chair, I felt them on my teeth and knew I looked horrible.

I still get a bit teary eyed at the thought of my horrendous teeth adorned with railroad tracks but, alas.

However, I must say this, my little insecurities are nothing compared to what has happened in the beautiful country of Japan and surrounding areas. There was a tsunami of great magnitude and it was devastating. There has been a multitude of death and injury.

With this, I beg, that you think positively, pray, or donate. Please take a few minutes to help this cause. The devastation is too great to not act. They need our support.

I picked this blog up because

A. I am bored and need something else to update.

B. I am getting a Mac for graduation so this will be something fun to update.

Hi everyone (all 3 of you), just posting to discuss of few topics that I cannot keep quiet. Oh, and I hope everyone has had a fabulous Thanksgiving, I sure did.

Anyway, today I am here to discuss a certain craze among millions of teenage girls around the world: Ugg Boots.

Uggs come in a variety of colors and styles, ranging from caramel colored tall boots to espresso colored ankle boots.

I simply cannot stand Uggs because of their atrocious lack of style or tailor. They are monster boots and ruin all perfectly fine outfits. They make thin girls look horribly ill proportioned and heavier girls look even heavier. Ultimately, they are unflattering to all.

Look at this gorgeous, stick thin model. She is standing in want seems to be a snow covered back yard wearing a flowing black strapless dress , wearing silver jewelry for accents. Then you look to her shoes. You see sequin Uggs swallowing the model’s legs. The producers and directors must have been blind or dumb because this photoshoot is ALL WRONG.

I would totally wear a strapless dress with my black sequin Ugg boots in my snow fallen back yard because it’s edgy and fashionable.

As I was looking through the monstrosity’s off the Ugg Australia site I came across something so horrible I couldn’t even stand it.

Jimmy Choo, a renowned shoe designer is doing a collab with Ugg boot Australia. The product, the ugliest, tackiest boots on the planet. Oh, Jimmy, you’re such a talent why sink down to this level!

The collection includes overuse of studs, frills, fringe and obnoxious patterns.

I end with this,

Girls, do consider different boots that don’t swallow your feet in a wool-y, sheep skin-y mess. You’re better than that.

Are you guys into Autumn as much as I am?

I certainly love the fall. I love the brisk air (for the most part), I love the colors of fall. I love being warm with a cup of earl grey reading a good book. By the way, I’m currently reading Memoirs of a Geisha. Really good book.


I love Edy’s seasonal Pumpkin Ice cream. I love the anticipation of Thanksgiving (FOOOOOOD!)

I just adore Autumn.


What are your thoughts?

Better yet, what is your favorite season?

So guys, this problem needs to be brought up.

Recently, many gay teens have been brutally bullied. Some have turned to suicide.   This is very horrible and needs to come to the attention of all.

I am in full support of anti- bullying for the LGBT communities, among other communities.

On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes and at their schools. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools. RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. You are loved.

This was quoted from the group to wear purple on Facebook. I am in full agreement.

Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas, you are remembered and loved.

I want some feed back from the few who read this darlin little corner of the interwebs. What do you want more of? Or what do you want less of?

Do you like my random posts with random pictures or do you like my somewhat-intelligent sounding reviews?

I need feedback darlings.

All constructive criticism will be taken into consideration.

On another note, I am definitely going to redo the blog. I feel the theme is way too creamy and beige. I thinking little pops of geometric shapes and bold black and white text.

Opinions please.

This is just a little word of advice to fellow 8th graders. Holla. ;D


We need to stop,

We are 13, some us of 14.

We needn’t “true love”.

We needn’t heartbreak.

We need innocence yet understanding.

We need level-headedness yet the joy of children.

We needn’t awkward questions that go

“Who do you like?”

We needn’t awkward statements that go

“You guys would be cute together.”

Ask me that when you think I’m good and ready to dive into the mess that is finding Mr. Right.

Tell me when you think it could lead to something potentially beautiful.

For now,

Let me be a bit awkwardly level headed and happy with being me and not with another. Let me be friends, not in love.

Like it?

Guys, I have an addiction. This addiction is serious. I have an addiction :

I always go to the special marker section and draw random drawings on my hand.

Here is a result of today’s trip to Micheal’s.

It’s a gold panda with hearts above it’s ears. So, you guys need to help me overcome this addiction. It’s just, those markers are so like -hallelujah chorus – , AMAZING.

Like my sister in the background?

Yeah, I know, she’s pretty annoying.


This is the water bottle I won from the FABULOUS Mundie Moms. 😀

I won this AWESOME Hunger Games Thermos, bottle thingy! I love it so! Just thought I would announce that. I am entry number 580 and they misspelled my name wrong (It’s Williams not Wilson) but WHO cares, I got the giveaway! 😀

I love Museums. I love to learn through  hands on experience.

I love art Museums because I love art and respect others art.

Today, I am going to a museum. I am so excited!